There is nothing wrong in being modern, that’s if you're a fan of mobile phones. As times change, they (mobiles) need to be redesigned from shape to size. But religion is not a Nokia. Last week Ameer Ali former head of AFIC outraged Muslims across Australia with his comments about the Prophet s.a.w.s. and the Qur'an. In the article entitled "Prophet not perfect, says Islamic scholar" (The Australian, 04/10/06) written by Richard Kerbaj, he spoke about the "flaws" of the best human ever to walk this earth - prophet Muhammad s.a.w.s., he questioned the veracity of the Qur'an, called for the reinterpretation of it, trivialized Sunnah and so on. With the following article I will examine some of these statements, as well as his 'so called' apology. One apology for Muslims and another one for the editor of "The (Un)Australian" newspaper.
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Also, Sheikh Omran's response
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Q: What is the phone that Pinocchio use?
A: Pinokia...
One day Ameer Ali will grow up to be a real boy... if master Howard allows it, of course...
MashaALLAH. Great article Abu Maryam.
What I love and thought was just fabulous? Your finishing touch!
JazakaALLAH alkhayr.
Keep it up!
Assalamualaikum wrb,
We have had comments by certain leaders in our community misrepresented by the media in the past, and in those cases many people where chastised for speaking out against them in public and not approaching them directly to hear their side of the story first. Besides the fact that we are in the middle of the Holy month of Ramadhan, I think that a similar approach should be taken in this case, lest any of us fall into gheeba or unwittingly publish false accusations against a Muslim brother.
May you all have a blessed Ramadhan and may Allah look favourably upon our fasting and answer our prayers. Ameen.
Assalamualaikum wrb.
I was googling Ameer Ali in the news section and this is the result:
The man behind Dr Ameer Ali. ABC radio’s Stephen Crittenden interviewed Dr Ameer Ali on the Religion Report this morning to discuss the controversial comments that he made about Mohammad last week. Sheik Hilaly, the head of Lakemba Mosque in Sydney's southwest, had said Dr Ali's "defamatory" remarks were akin to those that in 1989 earned Rushdie a fatwa from Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini. During the interview, Ali retracts from his comments about Mohammad, but listen carefully to the second half of the interview – Ali audibly has someone over his shoulder telling him how to answer questions about his relationship with Sheikh Hilaly. “I don’t know about you but I had the peculiar sensation that I was interviewing two Dr Alis there,” says Crittenden. -- Sophie Black
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original post at
Salman Rushdie challenges Islam (and obviously agrees with Ameer Ali on more that one issue)
Even they use the same words: reinterpretation, literalists...
Rushdie called for a reform movement in Islam including a reinterpretation of the Quran to take it away from the "literalists".
Rushdie felt the Quran should be viewed in its historical context not simply as the uncreated word of God.
(Read full text)
Title suggestion for Mr. Ali academic paper:
"The Ameer Ali Verses".
Great article! Straight to the point, clear and left no room for uums and butts...very clever and witty!
How Australian! :)
Selam aleikum
we have to ask Allah the almighty to help us in such situations
i was really disapointed personally with Ameer Ali's letter to the muslims and his following public interviews
i pray he has a chance to read the article and hear the Sheikh's comments because some of the things he has said and some of things he hasn't yet apologised or denied was even said are of some great concern
may Allah guide us to the truth and fill our hearts with sincerity
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